OD Mount Clamshell Tag

CLIMAX fue pionera en la revolución del mecanizado portátil en 1966. Durante más de 50 años, hemos sido los pioneros y líderes tecnológicos en la industria que creamos. Nuestros sistemas automatizados de control remoto "manos libres" han revolucionado la forma en que los operadores y las...

Global industrial statistics indicate that a significant number of jobsite injuries occur due to worker fatigue, distractions, improper tools use, and other factors that cause unexpected hazards. These events can not only pose a hazard to the user but also to all those in the vicinity...

CLIMAX pioneered the portable machining revolution in 1966. We’re #1 for a reason, but as YOUR partner in safety, we never rest! Our automated ‘Hands-Free’ remote control systems have revolutionized the way operators and companies approach their onsite machining projects and on July 22, 2020,...

For more than 50 years, CLIMAX is the innovator and technology leader in the industry we invented. Our priority is to continue leading the industry with technology focused on features that create a safer environment for technicians and on July 22, 2020, we will once...

What's in your toolbox? The H&S TOOL AFC Clamshell. Continuing our weekly series on the most versatile portable machine tools we asked the questions: Are you starting a new field machining company or division? Expanding your existing operation? Are you a general contractor or owner operator looking to...

¡LA PODEROSA MÁQUINA DE BASTIDOR DIVIDIDO DE H&S TOOL ESTÁ DISPONIBLE PARA LA VENTA Y ALQUILER! H&S TOOL ha liderado la industria mundial de los productos portátiles para el corte y biselado de tubos por más de 40 años y las máquinas de bastidor dividido (bivalva) MFC, AFC y...