Entrées de Blog

We are proud to announce that due to our business's growth and to serve our clients better, we have relocated our middle east facility to a new location in Dubai, UAE.  This new location gives our customers better access to our complete line of high-quality...

Keith Malencia from Ginger Hill Portable Machining and Metrology in Pennsylvania, USA, using a CLIMAX FF8200 flange facer to remachine a CAT5130 bearing surface. These bearing surfaces require repair after getting damaged, corroded, or worn out over time. These surfaces are commonly found on draglines and other...

We invite you to follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for more great information! CLIMAX is the leading global manufacturer of portable machining, welding, and advanced valve testing systems, and we’re excited about making it easier for you to connect with us. Get up...

Personnalisé pour répondre à vos besoins spécifiques en matière de tests de vannes ! Les testeurs de vannes CALDER existent depuis près de 40 ans, offrant des solutions uniques et personnalisées pour relever tous les défis liés aux tests de vannes. L'atelier mobile de vannes CALDER ne...

CLIMAX is proud to play a role in your success and we are honored to have the opportunity to advertise the great work you are doing. Our website is seen by tens of thousands of visitors every month from across the globe! Submitting your testimonial is easy!...

Thank you for helping us reach 1 million views on YouTube. CLIMAX is the leading global manufacturer of portable machining, welding, and advanced valve testing systems, and we’re excited about making it easier for you to gain access to valuable information. With more than 175 videos...

CLIMAX, the leading global manufacturer of portable machining, welding, and advanced valve testing systems, is pleased to announce the new partnership with EMS Denmark ApS. EMS is based in Esbjerg and will represent, support, and maintain the full product line of CLIMAX portable machine tools, BORTECH...

La semaine dernière, nous avons partagé trois options économiques d'entretien pour vos BB5000 et BB4500 afin de garantir des performances optimales. Ce mois-ci, nous nous concentrons sur l'entretien préventif. Un entretien préventif régulier semble être différent pour chaque client, car tout entretien régulier dépend de la...