BIC Magazine, November 2017 — Experienced machinists, fabricators, machine shop owners and OEMs use their trade skills and experiences to shape and reshape the world we live in. And in all cases, the question isn’t whether they can machine complex metal parts and components effectively. The real question to ask is: Can they do it safely and efficiently for their customers and profitably for their employers?
Portable machining technology is still relatively new and unknown, whereas the industry tradition has been to bring the workpiece to the machine or machine shop. Portable machining allows operators to bring the machine tool to the workpiece.
A huge advantage of utilizing portable machining technology is the increased efficiency due to the flexibility of being able to move the operation. Matt Register, former machine shop owner and Texas Business Radio host, commented, “Being a machine shop guy, most of the time to do anything that requires machining, you have to take a piece of equipment from a plant wherever it’s operating, disassemble, transport it to a machine shop, disassemble it some more, and then you get a chance to machine on it. Now, this is an opportunity where right there on the plant floor you have the ability to come in and line-bore things, or do whatever it is you need to do right there. And that saves a tremendous amount of time, a tremendous amount of expense!”