14 Янв Introducing Surface Mount and Backfacing Attachments for Flange Facing
With increasing growth and demand in the oil, gas and chemical markets, companies need to repair heat exchangers efficiently and effectively. To help our customers save time and effort on these repair jobs, we’re excited to introduce two new attachment options: the surface mount and backfacing attachments for the FF7200 and FF8200 Flange Facers.
With standard wear and tear over time, fluid inside heat exchangers begins to leak and necessitates repairs. For many standard flange facing applications, CLIMAX customers are able to use the ID or OD chuck. However, the face on heat exchangers is different and doesn’t have a hole like many flange types do. Instead, the surface is a large circular metal sheet that connects to a number of metal tubes. In this situation, technicians still need a way to center and level the flange facer to the surface they’re machining.
That’s where the new surface mount option comes in. The surface mount provides instant mounting capabilities on existing flange machines. Customers attach the surface mount and bolt it or clamp it to the heat exchanger or other application.
The surface mount also allows backfacing operations. Many customer applications require facing the backside of a circular surface such as heat exchanger tube sheets or crane mounting flanges, as often the tube sheet backface is where leaks occur. These repair jobs are extremely difficult (if not impossible) to navigate without having the proper backfacing attachment. The CLIMAX backfacing attachment allows customers to reach to the back of the flange and machine the damaged area so it will seal again. The attachment bolts directly to the surface, making it easy to set up and simple to use.
To ensure that the surface mount and backface attachments are effective and easy for customers to set up and operate, CLIMAX connected with customers throughout the development process to discuss the problems they faced and ran potential solutions by them for feedback. Whether they are deployed separately or paired together, these high-quality options from CLIMAX address the various challenges our customers face.