Mitigating Safety Hazards: Rotating Equipment

Mitigating Safety Hazards: Rotating Equipment

Mitigating safety hazards when using rotating equipment like Clamshell (split-frame) pipe cutting and beveling tools is our priority! Recordable safety incidents can be caused by distractions, improper tool usage, deviation from best practices, or adverse chance events in the work environment amongst other reasons. That’s why H&S TOOL invented the DEFENDER™ ‘Hands-Free’ Protection System. This protection system safeguards operators with the DEFENDER™ Guards, Adjustable Shark Fin™, Low-Pressure Safety Interlock System, E-Stop, and remote controls designed to maximize performance while keeping users away from rotating parts and equipment.

The H&S TOOL Clamshell pipe cutting and beveling machine is available for purchase or rent. For more information contact your sales representative at +1-503-538-2185 or visit our website at