23 Jan FAQ: You wanted to know…
You ask and we listen! We receive dozens of customer questions every day. Whether you need advice on the best line boring machine option that will meet specific job requirements or information about valve testing, we have an answer readily available for you.
To ensure that all our customers are aware of the many ways CLIMAX can support you and your company with upcoming projects, we wanted to share one of our most frequently asked questions with expertise from our North American Rental & Repair Manager Jeff Nemish.
CUSTOMER QUESTION: We currently own a CLIMAX BB5000 Line Boring Machine, BW3000 Auto Bore Welder and a key mill, so we’re familiar with portable machine tools. We stumbled across the opportunity to bid on a project in the power generation industry that would require a large gantry mill for facing multiple motor pockets. Is there a way we could rent the machine and have someone show us how to use it?
JEFF NEMISH: Yes! Rentals are a great option for companies looking to add new capabilities to their repertoire, and we offer customized training
on all our equipment at a CLIMAX facility or your facility. Our product trainers and application engineers regularly use these machines and are fully equipped to help. After purchasing or renting a machine, our customers always have the opportunity and ability to hire a product trainer to train you and your team on successful machining applications. Since practicing is the best way to learn, product trainers won’t do the work for you but will aide in the completion of the job and can answer any questions you have throughout the process.
Do you have additional questions about CLIMAX’s rental or training offerings? Contact us today to connect with a CLIMAX expert and determine the best solution for your company.